Sunday, 15 September 2013

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add colour to my sunset sky.

So i can start the post by complaining about the english weather, All day the rain has been dancing all around the uk, But the fact is i love the turn of seasons, The warm humid weather slowly turning to crisp autumn winds. I love it even more when it happens on a sunday when better of an excuse for a day to cut away from everyday life. Lounging around in snuggly pyjamas, taking full advantage of the warm cosy bed. So today that's exactly what i did. I did go on Youtube and reply to comments and
e-mails, But today was mostly doing nothing and i loved every minute while listening to the rain on my window.

 Even gizmoe took full advantage curled up at the end of the bed.

I want to do this everyday and i know it would get boring having awful weather all the time but there's something about autumn i love not just the fact my birthday is in october :)

So what are my lazy days all about? Lighting a vanilla candle, and catching up on blogs, i'm so behind with my favourite blogs but today was a perfect opportunity to catch up. Of course i have to mention my favourite who i have mentioned in the past but is sooo amazing i am recommending her again. BuyNowBlogLater is the blog from the amazing Laura and if you having been following the beauty community for a while or living under a rock you might have heard of her older blog Lollipop26. Laura is quite frankly amazeballs! Her ubber classy blog and wardrobe puts my only on pair of Louboutins to shame :) But i do get to drool over shoes and bags i can't afford with a healthy dose of honesty and that's why i have stuck with Laura even from her youtube days, You will not get a sponsored lie video from her and i that is why i will always plug her blog and be a subscriber to her, So thanks Laura for being so Totes Amaze :) I had to class it down :).

And of course you need to cuddle up with a DVD and as i had a Lord Of The Rings marathon last weekend i opted for Band Of Brothers this is by far the best thing to come from HBO and as a Game Of Thrones fan that says a lot, I cry i every time i watch this mini-series .

I told you not majorly exiting but i can't wait for more days like this and why i will never complain about the english weather. I soon will have to take the trip to Primark as all there new winter stock will be coming in and i can't wait.

I hope your all keeping warm and cosy and speak to you soon my lovelies :)

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Halloween Skull Make-Up Updated

Here Is my first halloween Tutorial for 2013