Sunday, 15 September 2013

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add colour to my sunset sky.

So i can start the post by complaining about the english weather, All day the rain has been dancing all around the uk, But the fact is i love the turn of seasons, The warm humid weather slowly turning to crisp autumn winds. I love it even more when it happens on a sunday when better of an excuse for a day to cut away from everyday life. Lounging around in snuggly pyjamas, taking full advantage of the warm cosy bed. So today that's exactly what i did. I did go on Youtube and reply to comments and
e-mails, But today was mostly doing nothing and i loved every minute while listening to the rain on my window.

 Even gizmoe took full advantage curled up at the end of the bed.

I want to do this everyday and i know it would get boring having awful weather all the time but there's something about autumn i love not just the fact my birthday is in october :)

So what are my lazy days all about? Lighting a vanilla candle, and catching up on blogs, i'm so behind with my favourite blogs but today was a perfect opportunity to catch up. Of course i have to mention my favourite who i have mentioned in the past but is sooo amazing i am recommending her again. BuyNowBlogLater is the blog from the amazing Laura and if you having been following the beauty community for a while or living under a rock you might have heard of her older blog Lollipop26. Laura is quite frankly amazeballs! Her ubber classy blog and wardrobe puts my only on pair of Louboutins to shame :) But i do get to drool over shoes and bags i can't afford with a healthy dose of honesty and that's why i have stuck with Laura even from her youtube days, You will not get a sponsored lie video from her and i that is why i will always plug her blog and be a subscriber to her, So thanks Laura for being so Totes Amaze :) I had to class it down :).

And of course you need to cuddle up with a DVD and as i had a Lord Of The Rings marathon last weekend i opted for Band Of Brothers this is by far the best thing to come from HBO and as a Game Of Thrones fan that says a lot, I cry i every time i watch this mini-series .

I told you not majorly exiting but i can't wait for more days like this and why i will never complain about the english weather. I soon will have to take the trip to Primark as all there new winter stock will be coming in and i can't wait.

I hope your all keeping warm and cosy and speak to you soon my lovelies :)

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Halloween Skull Make-Up Updated

Here Is my first halloween Tutorial for 2013

Wednesday, 24 July 2013


Ok guys i'm going to be honest at the moment creatively i have been feeling a little lacklustre, And mostly because i am unemployed. Who would have thought being an adult was going to be so hard???

Insert Care Free Baby :) Yes it is me.

And yet from last year i am so much happier! who would have thunk?  I made a brave decision a few years a go to give up my job and follow my dream and while i say brave i mean really putting myself out there, I mean let's be honest i gave up a full time job with not so bad money with chances to be a manager anywhere i wanted and maybe if i stayed with that i would have my own place, possibly savings or maybe actually have the funds to get married! But instead i walked away and put myself back into education. Skip ahead to three years later.. Still living with my parents my partner having to come for sleepovers!! Like i'm 15. So why i am i the most happiest than i have ever been??? I think the answer really lies in money does not buy happiness, while yes i know that it is easy for me to say that while i technically sponge of the most wonderfullist best mother in the world ;) For all purposes i am skint, What i do get i work hard for i love a little treat to myself after some serious hefty hard work.

I am now meeting an working with as many people as i can too build a great body of work and may i add just because sometimes it's free it is still WORK i cannot stress that enough. I know if i work hard enough the risk of being bold and giving up a cushy job to follow my dreams will pay off i am still aware that life is not a disney cartoon and in 80 minutes my dreams will come true and i can gallantly sing in fields. Truth is since leaving education i have worked the hardest i have ever worked and most of it free/expenses and i have learnt so much in the last year that i will not be ungrateful or mocked for it.

Onset Of Blood Loyal

While i am not saying hey everyone let's quit or jobs and follow our dreams not that i am saying every dream is not attainable but some realism is required and a lot of effort.

Some Days i feel like throwing in the towel and becoming a regular adult, some feel like i feel i will never be inspired being unemployed can drain you of energy and forget how lucky you are! So on your throw in the preverbal towel days use your unemployment to your advantage you have no timetable go and live life DO NOT sit there and wallow! Plus side weekdays everywhere is quieter, Go to that museum you have been wanting to visit but have put off, Go to the shows that will make you smile. I have lately become obsessed with taking pictures of everything so i just take my camera and myself off and remind my self life is pretty damn great. I was also able to take myself off to London for the tennis at queens club Ageon championships which was an amazing cultural eyeopener, If you have been to places like that you will know what i mean.

That always spurs me on and gets the creative juices flowing again while i am trying to start my own business it is going to be a long hard slog so why not enjoy the process and try not to kill myself over the anxiety to be like all my friends who own homes have the white fence husband and children, I have to remind myself that is there dream they worked hard for not mine.

So i apologise that got a little lengthy but i wanted to share with you that all my days are not amazing, I don't spend all day on glamorous sets, Some days it's just me and some weeks too it's just pushing yourself through the dry spell and being fabulous in your own way.

Huge love too all my unemployed pals

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Questions Time What Would You Like To Read??

Ok so i know this is primarily a Beauty blog with reviews and raves and some personal stuff too, Which got me thinking, I started this blog a long time ago and have since qualified as a make up artist so i thought i might be fun to bring my work side of life to my blog, More kind of on set pictures what i take for different jobs? I don,t know if this is something you would like to see more of so please let me know if that is something you would like me to blog about on here or i can start a separate blog? I don,t know it is just an idea. Also i really enjoyed my last two posts which mas my shabby chic room and the post before about a general haul not just beauty related as i love playing with trends and accessories i mean who am i kidding i love shopping so i think my posts will open up to not just the beauty community. So please let me know what you would like more of i will try so techie stuff but i dont want to bore you too much. Over the last few years i have really loved blogging and want to open up more about things i love like photography and gadgets, And as always thank you for being subscribed it means so much that you take the time to read my post :) I,m also experimenting on my youtube channel so please come over and say hey :)

I,m not sure how often i will do the tea time talk yet but i,m sure i will be back making tutorials soon :)

Speak to you soon my lovelies :)

Monday, 27 May 2013

French Shabby chic In Small Rooms.

Well this is an unusual post, i was just kinda happy with how the room finished so i decided to share it with you.  I wanted to make it french shabby chic, so the wallpaper just got ripped away and then applied a white wash over it so give the wall a dis-tempered look. The Canvas's i bought from b&m bargins which just fit perfectly with the room. I did make a parasol light in black but bought a new cream one to make it look more bright. I did by a lot of cushions :/ But my little kitty seems to like it.
I do like my bed most of all with the drapes around the bed. Just make it so girly and fresh, sorry for the explanation. Okay i will leave it here so not to ramble to much. I hope it helps with some small room storage situations.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

“I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot!”

Okay so this post is not really cosmetic related but over the last month i have done some serious hauling and have been inspired by a lot of the spring summer trends this season, which yes is a little strange for me as i'm not really a avid fashion follower, yes i do read vogue and all the other magazines to keep abreast with upcoming trends more for make-up sake but i don't know maybe im warming to clothing trends.

So the issue came with pinterest or what i call the root of all evil :) now i have quite a few boards but one is my wish list i will insert a few of the pictures or you can look at my profile .

So you can see a few items on the hit list but unfortunately i'm not a millionaire so i had to do it the old fashioned way :)

First item the macbook pro i have drooled over how much i wanted my very own and with the cheapest
being a cool £1000 then of course insurance on top of that so years later i finally managed to get the money together luckily after my laptop sadly took it's last breath i had to live off my ipad not as easy as it sounds.

So now i can watch a whole youtube video without it freezing every minute and course all the work i need it for too.

Now for the fun stuff :)
Neon not something i would necessarily reach for but it's a major must have this season now you can get neon clothes but i cannot say i would feel comfortable glowing so i opted accessories route now the items of choice for me are always shoes and handbags an easy way to put current must haves to update your look or just to give  your outfit a pop of colour.

I have to have pumps in my shoe collection there easy, comfy and this was an easy way to inject some colour into my usually black ensamble. These i got cheap from ebay and look great :) the would probably look even better with a  tan.

The satchel has been a coveted item on most bag lovers wish list and i was eyeing up the Cambridge Satchel Fluoro but with a minimum £115 price tag i thought i would look on eBay as a cheap alternative
as i dont like spending that much money on trend items for classic pieces i don't mind but a neon yellow
bag not sure i would love it as much as spending the money on something else.

And with my savvy money saving buys i was able to purchase my first pair of loubou's which is a massive deal for me a good shoe will set you back at least near the £400 mark and higher but a make-up artist wage and the days, sometimes weeks without a booking can be a nightmare but i knew as soon as i had the money i was going getting some.

So you could go crazy with the above picture they look amazing :) But i decided te first shoe should be a classic shoe, something you can wear with everything and will get your moneys worth. i spent a few months browsing different styles.
In the end i decided on the simple pump 85mm enough of a heel to remain comfy. My family think i'm crazy for spending £375 on a pair of shoes but with these i think of them as an investment and the quality is amazing each shoe is hand made in italian leather if you are squeamish about wearing animals do your research it will say on the box what you are wearing and my partner often laughs you have a calf strapped to your feet. Now the serious part i would never buy my shoes online not these anyway. You are spending lot's of money make sure you buy an authentic pair there are some very good rip offs out there that will fall apart. And for the most part sizing in these are hard to guess they are designed for narrow feet so bare that in mind you really need to try these on and in the uk it is easier said than done there is only one store in the north west which is in manchester in the harvey Nichols store where i got mine from amazing service. They do have a little variety in Selfridges at the Trafford center but again they did not sell the ones i wanted. They rest of the major stores are in London.
Back to the good stuff as soon as i had them on my feet i knew it was love, i have worn them a few times one shoe still needs breaking in but still massively more comfortable than other heels.

 A few other sneaky purchases because let's be honest always happens.
the newest being my new case i'm a total fangirl of game of thrones so as soon i saw this on ebay it was in my basket.
Raybans i've never been a designer glasses person but when i went for a new pair these again where a love at first sight. I got mine from boots they are priced at £200 but for some reason i got crazy discounts and got them at £144 i have no idea how or why but check it out.
As a major treat i went to the white company knew there was a minty candle that was rumoured to smell amazing and it does again i do not usually spend £26 on candles but i was a treat to myself.
And last of all lush because i'm obsessed :)

That's everything finally i will be on a strict no spending now until june which is going to be an expensive month i'm in London twice once for the tennis and for imats so let me know if you are planning on going i love to meet new people :)

See you all soon :)