Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Hauls! Good Or Bad????

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Basics Shading & Highlighting & Blush

Basics Foundation & Concealer

Monday, 23 August 2010

My Big Thank You To Lollipop26

Well i think you should know who lollipop26 is if your are reading this blog. so i just thought i had to give a big HUG from me and defiantly allot of other people who don,t just watch her YouTube video and read her blog. she was one of the first people i subscribed to on YouTube and watched her video,s soon their after making my own first video in December. I've spoke to her a few times on twitter and she is so lovely it,s nice to listen to her British accent her voice it not annoying and i love that! the unfortunate thing about about following Laura is the damage to my bank account lol! i have to try these products out myself a little worrying that this women can sell me ANYTHING!

To Check her out on YouTube

To check out her blog

To follow her on twitter

Someone has even made her a group on face book

And even a blog!

So yeah Laura ha ha!! and thank god your back off your Holiday need more video,s lol!

So what purchases have you made thanks to lollipop i have a few the etsy sideways cross Lotta mac, opi, and the now famous Revlon lipstick cherries in the snow in which she is pictured wearing above.
Insert my lollipop pose wearing cherries in the snow:)

I do make myself giggle!
So again thank you!!! and don,t ever get tired of spending:)

Sunday, 15 August 2010

In,s And Out,s 2

As ive been ill there, not that much at the minute but still a good few things worth mentioning!
Mac paint pot in bare study
i wanted omething new to wear all over the lid and under various shadows
a i,m new to mac i was a little hesitant to paint pots £13 and i wasnt really sure what for i had in my hand the sharkskin shade stick and the bare study but i decided i,d get this first and i have to say i use it all the time now! even if i can,t be bothered to put a full face on slap it on around my lid instant eye brightner so i love it and i think i,m defantatloy going to try out more

Mac Shy Girl
i wanted jazzed but unfortuantly it,s sold out so i tried the next best thing it,s no jazzed but i like it! it,s my first cremesheen and i,m happy it,s so moisturiing

Mac cremesheen glass chillin'
An in to the groove collection piece lot,s odd in the tube but goes on more clear not to sticky so i love it it,s up their with underage for me!

Mac 15 pro palette
these arent all eyeshadows i bought from mac some of them are my pressed mac pigments and i,m continually reaching for this palette
(right to left)
cocoa (top right hand side)
haux (bottem right hand side)
next row
golden olive (top)
amber lights (middle)
peach pearl (bottem)
next row
gesso ( top)
typographic (middle)
cranberry (bottom)
next row
bronze light (top)
crome yellow(middle)
goldmine (bottom)
next row
almond (top)
sable (middle)
black tied (bottom)
yogurt (top)
carbon (middle)
wood-winked (bottom)

Chicken pox
i finally think i,m over it and wa devisated i,m 24 i can,t get chicken pox well i got them from my 78 year old nana ha!
Haul videos
yes there will be no more haul videos i just think they can be so negative and sometimes make people feel bad! i,l do products i,m loving but not hauls!
and i will show some of them on my blog:)
i,m abit over it now no sunshine just rain i hate that it,s warming up for the last few weeks of august i just want all this to be over with i,m exited for september i start college and planning a weekend away!

So that,s it for now! what are your in,s and out,s?

Saturday, 7 August 2010

It Was Worth It!!!

I have to say i have never worked so hard for anything in my life! i,m so happy i,ve not slept yet it was turning out to be a pretty rubbish! then my step dad said i have mail! well i thought i,m not allowed to order anything else so was a little confused! the packaging sort of give it away though! Do Not Bend! yeah i got my City & Guilds Nvq in level 2 In beauty therapy! so i,m now an actual beautician!

So Here,s A Peek
I think it was defiantly the best and worst year of my life! and the best thing is i,m already to start again in September!
So what efforts have you been rewarded for??
Be Proud everyone who sat an kind of exams it,s hard work but it pays off!