Thursday, 5 November 2009

Is It Worth It?? Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
So my mum bought the new L'Oreal Elvive Full Resture 5 Shampoo and conditioner today so i thought i,d do a review on it it,s aparently going to target 1.strength 2.Density 3.Vitality 4.Shine 5.Silkiness. so it,s got this new reinforcin technology in it. We all would love to ge great results and have cheryl cole hair but nin reality she has great stylist and expensive extentions!!! so i,ll be using the shampoo with the conditioner for four weeks iand the i,l post my review for you!!Another product i,ll be revewing is the St Tropez everyday gradual tan i just want to seeif it ends uporangey which happens alot but i,ve been ofically put off sunbeds and i,m despretly trying to find a cheap alternative so i,ll be using this in medium to dark for two weeks and i,ll review it for you!!With both these i,ll bemaking videos and i,ll post them on here and youtubeso you can visably seethe results anyway thanksfor reading kelx

Is It Worth It??

Is It Worth It?? Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
So my mum bought the new L'Oreal Elvive Full Resture 5 Shampoo and conditioner today so i thought i,d do a review on it it,s aparently going to target 1.strength 2.Density 3.Vitality 4.Shine 5.Silkiness. so it,s got this new reinforcin technology in it. We all would love to ge great results and have cheryl cole hair but nin reality she has great stylist and expensive extentions!!! so i,ll be using the shampoo with the conditioner for four weeks iand the i,l post my review for you!!Another product i,ll be revewing is the St Tropez everyday gradual tan i just want to seeif it ends uporangey which happens alot but i,ve been ofically put off sunbeds and i,m despretly trying to find a cheap alternative so i,ll be using this in medium to dark for two weeks and i,ll review it for you!!With both these i,ll bemaking videos and i,ll post them on here and youtubeso you can visably seethe results anyway thanksfor reading kelx